Minimally Invasive

Wrinkle Treatment

Wrinkle treatment is the most widely applied cosmetic procedure in the world.

Wrinkle treatment is performed by injections into the facial muscles.

A bacterium called “Clostridium botulinum” produces a toxin under natural conditions. This toxin disrupts the nerve-muscle connection in the human body and prevents the muscles from contracting voluntarily. Based on this logic, the same toxin produced in a laboratory environment is used as a drug to reduce the work of voluntary facial muscles and thus prevent wrinkles from forming on the face.

This drug was first used in the treatment of strabismus. It was observed that the muscles around the eyes were unintentionally affected during strabismus treatment and that wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) disappeared. Cosmetic use began in this way and became widespread. It was first approved for cosmetic use by the FDA in 2002.

The most preferred application area is wrinkle treatment.

It is possible to correct dynamic wrinkles on the face (wrinkles formed by facial movements) with botulinum toxin application. The point to be noted here is that static lines cannot be corrected with botulinum toxin application.

Other areas of use

Reducing/preventing migraine pain

It has not been determined exactly what causes migraine pain, and several reasons are blamed for this. One of these reasons is the theory that the nerves are compressed at the points where they exit the head. This compression may be due to many reasons. In the event that the muscles in that area compress the nerve, botulinum toxin is applied to relax the muscle and the nerves. It does not give the desired effect in every patient, and the patient group that benefits from this application is a candidate for migraine surgery. In addition to the application for cosmetic purposes, injections are also made to the points where the nerves are compressed. There is no other difference.

Regional Excessive Sweating

The channels that botulinum toxin affects at the muscle-nerve junction are also found in the sweat glands. In people with excessive sweating complaints, these channels are targeted and the application is made. It differs from the application for cosmetic purposes at different points. Therefore, it is useful for it to be performed by experienced people. The application areas are the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and armpits.

Clenching teeth and jaw joint problems

There is a masseter muscle on both sides of the jaw bone that enables chewing. In some people, the muscle mass grows due to excessive work of this muscle. This growth both causes cosmetic discomfort and causes jaw joint problems by putting pressure on the jaw joint. With the injection made into this muscle, the excessive work of the muscle is prevented, the load on the joint is reduced and a more cosmetically acceptable appearance is aimed by thinning the muscle.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. In which year breast lifting and reduction can be performed?

Normally, anyone over the age of 18 who uses facial expressions excessively without meaning to do so can undergo the procedure.

2. Is the procedure painful?

Before the procedure, cold application anesthesia or cream is applied to ensure that the injection is as painless as possible. The needles of the syringes used during the procedure are very thin and two syringes are used. This prevents the needle tip from becoming dull and increasing pain. An average of 20 points are injected on each patient.

3. How long does the process take, when does its effect start and how long does it last?

The procedure takes about 10 minutes. The effect starts within 3 days. A control examination is performed 15 days after the application. The effect period is about 4-6 months, but this varies depending on the person's lifestyle and metabolism. An average of 2 or 3 applications per year is required.

4. What happens if I stop using botulinum toxin?

Will there be a permanent deformity on my face? No deformation occurs on the face after botulinum toxin application. Since facial movements are suppressed, aging is prevented. If the application is not repeated, the appearance will be the same as when the first application was started.

5. Are there any undesirable situations that may occur after the procedure?

Unwanted situations may arise after each transaction. These rates are quite low and decrease even more in experienced hands.

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