Aesthetic Surgery


The nose has a significant role in facial aesthetics. Rhinoplasty surgery is one of the most preferred surgeries among plastic surgeries. While it is easy to want to have this surgery, making a decision can be really difficult.

Type of Anesthesia
General Anesthesia
Surgery Duration
2 hours
Hospital Stay
1 Day
Stay in Istanbul
5 Days
Return to Social Life
7 Days

The question that most occupies people's minds when deciding to have rhinoplasty surgery is whether it is obvious that the nose is aesthetic after rhinoplasty surgery.

The approach to rhinoplasty surgery today is much different than it used to be. In the past, people would focus directly on the problem and intervene in the shortest way possible. Over the years, it has been realized that this approach was wrong. Because it has been understood that every intervention made to the nose can cause serious problems in the medium and long term and disrupt the functional structure of the nose. Nowadays, problems in the nose are intervened with more functional and analytical approaches that are suitable for the anatomy of the nose. As a result of such approaches, we no longer see non-functional noses that are clearly created by the same person and look quite artificial. Of course, the experience of the surgeon and his/her approach to surgery are also very important here.

The most important thing that people who want to have rhinoplasty should know is this:

Not every nose can be shaped as we wish. Our approach to rhinoplasty is based on the logic of solving the problems in the nose in the most functional and anatomical way. There are two things that limit what can be done in rhinoplasty surgery. One is the skill and experience of the surgeon. Another important point is the anatomical structure of the nose to be operated on. Corrections can be made to the extent allowed by the nasal anatomy.

Rhinoplasty surgery is performed under general anesthesia. While aesthetic corrections are made, any breathing problems are also corrected simultaneously.

The surgery takes approximately 2 hours. One night in the hospital is sufficient. The average time you need to spend to have rhinoplasty surgery and return to your old life is one week. It takes approximately 6 months to 1 year for the nose to take its ideal shape.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. In which seasons is rhinoplasty surgery performed?

Contrary to popular belief, all aesthetic surgeries, including rhinoplasty, can be performed in any season.

2. Will it be obvious that I've had surgery after a rhinoplasty?

Our primary approach in rhinoplasty is to achieve a very natural appearance of the nose after the surgery.

3. Will I experience breathing problems after rhinoplasty surgery?

If you have breathing problems before the surgery, they will also be addressed during the procedure. Rarely, breathing problems may occur as a complication after surgery. This can arise due to allergic reasons.

4. Will the tip of my nose droop after rhinoplasty?

The dynamics of the nasal tip are highly variable. During surgery, the strength of the nasal tip cartilage gives us an idea about this possibility. Sometimes, to counter this risk, we lift the nasal tip higher than desired. In about 5% of all rhinoplasty surgeries, post-surgery nasal tip drooping may occur. In such cases, it can be corrected with a secondary surgery.

5. When will I see the final result after surgery?

The ideal appearance after rhinoplasty surgery becomes evident between 6 months and one year. This variation in time is due to differences in the anatomical structure of the nose.

6. Can the desired result be achieved in rhinoplasty for thick-skinned noses?

Having thick skin does not prevent rhinoplasty surgery. However, having unrealistic expectations beyond what is possible may lead to disappointment for both you and your surgeon.

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