Um bei einer Brustvergrößerung das optimale Ergebnis zu erzielen, kommt es nicht darauf an, wie stark die Brust vergrößert wird, sondern darauf, die idealen Maße zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus sollte das Ziel sein, dass die Brüste nach der Operation im Verhältnis zum Rest des Körpers stehen.
Breast augmentation surgery is quite popular today. Although it is easy to decide to have surgery, there are many issues to consider when making a choice. The most important issue for those who decide to have breast augmentation surgery is what kind of appearance they will have after the surgery and whether they will be satisfied with the result.
Those who are going to have breast augmentation surgery sometimes have ideas about this subject. Usually, positive or negative impressions they get from an acquaintance determine their preferences. However, it should not be forgotten that each preference varies according to the person's body structure. The breast structure of most surgery candidates is suitable for both plans. At this point, the surgeon's preference comes to the fore. This preference is still one of the most discussed topics among surgeons in scientific meetings today. In my personal practice, the plan I prefer the most is the above-the-muscle plan. If there is not enough breast tissue, I prefer the below-the-muscle plan.
There are two types of implants: round or teardrop (anatomical). In my personal practice, I use both types of implants. The most important point to consider when choosing an implant is the current anatomical shape of the breast. Better results are achieved by enlarging the breasts while respecting their current shape. A teardrop (anatomical) implant should be used for teardrop-shaped breasts, and a round implant should be used for round-shaped breasts. As in the selection of the plan, it is possible to use both types of implants in a certain group of patients. In this case, the person's demands come to the fore in implant selection. Breast augmentation surgery is performed under general anesthesia. The surgery takes an average of 40 minutes. A one-night hospital stay is sufficient. Returning to social life takes an average of one week, although it varies from person to person.
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